Monday 4 August 2014

My Garden

Garden is like a canvas. You can create anything that pleases you within your budget. When it comes to gardening you are only limited by your budget and creativity. Gardening brings you back to nature and the end effect can be stunning. 

My yard, (if you can call it that) is rather small and I have to make the best of it. Our family home is only 20 x 70 feet, so you can guess how big is our yard. Anyhow, despite its size I have done by best that I can with the limited budget that I have. 

A garden is a growing thing and requires constant maintenance. Hence, it involves weeding, fertilizing, watering and replanting dying plants. 

This is the view that I am greeted to every morning when I open my sliding doors. At times there are grasshoppers, ladybirds, hummingbirds, butterfly, frogs and snails at the yard. As I am using Philippine Grass, it needs to be diligently cut every month without fail 

Another angle, I had placed Indonesian lava rocks at the bottom of the fountain 

Some of the plants I had placed near the main entrance. Heliconia and ferns. I rotate the pots on a weekly basis to ensure even growth    

Closeup of the Heliconia 

Some of the Orchid species that I have

A form of creeper


The rear yard. Currently using pearl grass. So far with the dry weather it's doing well. Previously, on three occasions had transplanted Philippines grass but with the prolonged dry spell they just withered away and died. One thing about gardening is that it's the same like Interior Design. You can keep changing and rearrange your furniture to suite your current taste. The same goes for gardening

The pot you see below, had it's location changed at least 4 different times and replanted with a minimum of 6 different plants   

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