Thursday 24 February 2022

Giving some life to my garden tea table set ravaged by flood

Greetings dear readers. 

A bit of time had passed since my last post.

I have been rather occupied with numerous renovations and upgrades to the house.

I will update in due time.

For now I would like to share my little diy project to uplift my garden tea table.

To be fair, the tea table was already looking dull and lifeless prior to the flood. This could be attributed to years of neglect by yours truly. The flood merely assisted to smack it to rock bottom.

This picture is after removing the glass top that was laced by grime, rust stains and green algae and the wood top was given a through wash.

Lots of glue stains and glue spillage from the old wood was visible.

The tedious hand sanding process began. This alone took me a good hour. For tougher glue stains I used a paint scrapper.

Next step was using wood stain and wiping it off. I repeated the process about 4 times. Allowing it sufficient time to dry before repeating the process.

The end result. Well, what do you think for a simple diy project?