Friday 8 May 2015

Gua Charas, Kuantan

Gua Charas is a 400 million year limestone and granite massif cave, 25km north west of Kuantan, Pahang.

It is a holy site for both Hindus and Buddhists.

The trip there will take you along palm oil estates. You will be greeted by cows, goats and the ever famous Malaysian potholes.

RM 2 for car parking and the reason the warden will give you is that he will diligently look after your car if there are cows nearby that may damage your vehicle. Yet, when you descend from the cave and depart into your vehicle, the warden is no where to be seen.

Inside the entrance of the cave there is a further RM 2 for admission to the cave. This pays for the lighting and maintenance of the pathways

Some basic explanation is provided on a plaque outside the entrance

 This gigantic tree is there to greet visitors

From the wardens phone, a white cobra snake that frequents the temple once a month

Monkeys everywhere

Not only is it an uphill battle to enter the cave, but also to view the splendors inside

Graffiti, a Malaysian past time 


Siva Lingga 

Lord Ganesa

Must be gutsy to enter

Beautiful rock formation


The caretaker makes about 3 trips daily to the cave to bring joysticks and other supplies. He has been working here for 26 years. Salute to you Uncle

The Sleeping Buddha. Understand at 11.00am the natural light from the opening of the cave shines and illuminates the face of Buddha  

The caretaker informed that this is a natural formation of a fish shaped from stone

 The annexed cave, enter at your won risk. There are many adjoining caves but one dare not enter as there is no proper walk path and light 


Remarkable, the amazing lengths people will go towards graffiti  

Watch your step, the wrong move and its goodby