Monday 20 April 2015

Mona Fandey, the murder, Kampung Peruas

Where it all begin.

From my understanding she is from Perlis. But upon speaking to the village folks, they claim that she is from Indonesia. 

The rest regarding her personality remains that same as my previous post in Tanjung Lumpur.i.e. she was very down to earth and friendly. Easy with handouts of money to needy folks.

But I guess our guide En., Angah Kudin summarized it the best, "Baik rupanya dia ada sebab". Referring that Mona was nice due as she had many things to hide.   

She gained notoriety when she brutally murdered Batu Talam Adun Datuk Mazlan Idris on 18 July 1993 at an unnumbered house in Kampung Peruas, Ulu Dong, Raub, Pahang. Pictures on 11 April 2015. 21 years ago from dates of the murder 

On your way there you will pass Klinik Desa Ulu Dong. If you see such sign, you are heading in the right direction

From the mosque, it is about 1 km to the eerie sight. My advise, for Muslims drop by the mosque for prayers before proceeding and also after

When you see this sign on the right, the site will be located on your left. The walk path is via a jungle so be careful. Angah is the one running Lubok Semak. I asked him if there are any weird things happening but he said no, he has even walked along this walk path at 3.00am but has seen or heard nothing

This is Angah, our macho guide. He walked along the trail like a pro. Not fearing anything. He has brought numerous people here. Unfortunately, this incident happened when he was a kid and he is not aware of many things, unless being informed by the village elders 

From the main road, this is the view you will see of the said house 

There was once a walkway to the house but it has since been covered by plant growth 

This is one of the few police evidence left of this heinous crime

Datuk Mazlan's house. I was of the impression that it was Mona's house all this while. But upon talking to villagers, I was informed that it is actually Datuk's house and that Mona was occupying it 

Some portions of the wall are still standing 

The hole where Datuk's remains were dug out

Whats left of the house is dilapidated due to scavengers looting the roof, doors and other structure for who knows what purpose 

The place where the killing took place. This was once the bathroom

The house is now overgrown with plants 

The roof is now replaced with vines 

Once the living room

Even the windows have been looted, not much of the structure is left

External toilets

Fragments of the roof can still be found

Difficult to find your way around

I am made to understand that the house in it's hey day was a sight to behold for the villages. Whilst, their houses were made from wood, Datuk's house was made from bricks and rather big, in comparison to theirs

Mona used to rear ducks and chickens that roam the land freely. The villages would all know that those are Mona's ducks

Surrounded by plants

Unique plants can be found there. We were informed that when Mona was send to the gallows, villages were actively scouting the area looking for her buried gold. It was hidden under a tree with only two branches. Guess what, the tree was never located. Somethings, the stuff of legends remains legends

I thought this was the tree, but no such luck

This picture was taken on my way near the main road. I cannot explain it

They have one child together, through their marriage, Mazdiana Affendy

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