Saturday 3 October 2020

Roll on underarm deodorant and its after effect

Greetings dear readers. 

I am blogging today, 4 October 2020, 9.26am from Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam.

It is a nice bright cool day this wonderful morning. 

On one of learning sessions on YouTube on men’s grooming, I came across a video regarding underarm deodorant and its negative effects. I could relate to the video in particular to the yellowish stains caused by the salt in our sweat mixing with the ingredients in the antiperspirant or deodorant, primarily aluminum.      

The other point the video touched about is the unusually musky stinking aroma of the underarm over prolonged use of the deodorant without taking a bath at the end of the day.

I do not know about other readers, but I can only relate to myself and I Totally agreed.

So now I have been underarm deodorant free for more than 6 months and what I realized are the following:

1. My shirts in the underarm section is no longer has yellow stains. 

Previously my shirts with such stains, I coated them with dynamo, baking soda or even lemon, prior to washing. Nothing worked, not only was that particular area still yellow but the stains over time grew bigger and the cloth in that area became harder compared to the other areas of the shirt where the material remained soft in nature.

What I ended up doing was throwing the shirt as it could not be salvaged. 

My working shirts are expensive and imagine having to throw it away. All the other parts to the shirt was neat, clean and top notch. Even the collar and wrist sleeve was crisp. The shirt was perfectly spot on. Except the ugly yellow patch in the underarm section.

What I realized was when I was in my cheap house clothes doing chores at home under the sun (at times), I sweat profusely and off course smelled but none of my shirts had yellow stains in the underarm section. Reason, when I was at home doing house chores, I did not use underarm deodorants. 

Hence, see the irony. Expensive work clothes where most of the time I’m in an air conditioned room and behind a PC, end result is throw due to yellow stains from deodorant. 

Cheap house clothes where I work like a dog and sweat. No deodorant. Keep and use until the shirt spoils due to wear and tear.

2. My underarm over time after total stopping the use of deodorant, reduced the unbearable musky smell.

No doubt when you use underarm deodorant initially you feel nice and smell nice  but in my case as the day goes by the underarm smell is amplified. Even after taking a bath and using loofah with soap to scrub, there is still residue of smell.

Now, with the complete stop in usage of deodorant, my natural odor is much more pleasant. I just frequent my bath (if possible). 

3. What I use now is powdered talcum. I smell nice and after prolonged period. I do not stink as before. 

4. I no longer incur cost in deodorant and the savings goes to purchase of talcum.

5. The talcum is also used for chest, stomach and also personal manhood area and butt. Hence, I now not only feel much more comfortable but I also smell nice for much longer periods due to talcum. 

It’s a win all around. 

This photo is used for illustration purposed only.

This is the YouTube video that had me started on this journey:

Kindly note that this is my opinion and my personal results. Your results may vary 


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