Sunday 31 July 2016

Police Museum, Bukit Aman

Malaysian Police has received their fair share of criticism. You can read about it all over the internet portal and various blogs. However, I have to state this that during darurat or in the state of emergency. They are the elite squad that rose to the occasion. 

Thus, due recognition must be given to these elite squad who had laid down their lives for their country and people. May Allah SWT always bless them.

These are pictures taken at the police museum, located close to Bukit Aman

A brief directory

Mock up during Communist occupation

There is ample explanation provided, so please read

Some of the items used by the Communist on display

Uniforms used by the local authorities at that time

Bicycle was the common mode of transport

Pornographic materials (handkerchives) confiscated. This would be a cool addition to my collection of antiquities, if I can get them.

You will only see the desired images once the handkerchief is folded

A mock up of the Bukit Kepong incident

How police forces hid under the bridge

Old poilce shields and baton

Peace declaration with the Communist Party

The actual pens used in signing the said declaration

Chin Peng's signature

Candu pipes

Currency used in Malaysia at that time

Fake wooden spear

Even here vandalism happens. Why does his pants need to be down?

The casting of the shadow makes this figure surreal

Old leather Portuguese shield

Portuguese coins

Brass Gongs used at various Police Station to warn people during a state of emergency 

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