Wednesday, 15 July 2020

The real meaning of EDC

Dear readers,

Facebook and other social media’s plays an integral and vital role In our Daily life. It is a place where we genuinely share our knowledge or an event that made us happy. For others it a place to voice their frustration or sadness over a recent event faced. Some even use it as a platform to show off.

This topic may not be towards the liking of many but it generally covers the actual terminology of EDC. EDC would vary from person to person and between man and woman. A mans EDC would definitely differ from a woman. Generally speaking a woman’s EDC would be handbag, perfume, makeup, lipstick 💄, handphone, keys and etc.

Guys generally would be pocket knife, lighter, handphone, pen and etc.

The point I’m trying to make is what does EDC literally stand for? Every Day Carry correct. So it should be what you carry every day. It is not what you carry Evert Other Day. The only thing you carry every day without fail or changing or interchanging them are your car keys, wallet and handphone.

But what you see on social media are people daily changing their items and claiming it’s their every day carry. No it is not. It is not what you carry everyday. It is what you are carrying for THAT day.

My edc does not include a pocket knife as I do not carry it al all times. Due to work ethics reason and it’s also an offense under Malaysian law to carry a weapon in public. I would like to carry my pocket knife or Leatherman multitool daily as there were many occasions where it would have came handy but I ended up using my teeth or car keys to resolve the matter.

Under the Arms Act 1960 and Corrosive and Explosive Substance and Offensive Weapons Act 1958, Second Schedule, S.6(1) clearly states that pocket knife is an Illegal weapon to carry in public without lawful purpose or authority. The punishment under S.7(1) is 5 to 10 years in prison. I presume that is not your cup of tea.
So dudes, I know everyone likes to show a little or brag a bit on social media. Who doesn’t? I’m guilty of it too. But please use the correct words. Do not abuse the word EDC. Use it correctly if it is carried every day for you. 

If you use a Rolex GMT-Master II or Patek Philippe Nautilus or Vacheron Constantin tourbilion watch on a daily basis. Go for it it’s your EDC. The same if you carry a Monarch Steam Punk Dragon or Searpoint Lace or even a Bob Kramer pocket knife. No issues. It’s what you carry daily. 

But dudes, please don’t change daily your items and claim it’s your EDC. It is not. 

My EDC is way more humbler that most dudes. A Casio G-Shock DW5600E, Dausen 10400 mAh capacity power bank, Igloo 1L water bottle, Apple earphones, Apple charger, IPhone 6S+, my car keys, hand sanitizer, face mask, Lamy 2000 fountain pen, Gucci wallet and adidas bag. That is what I carry every day without fail  and that my friends is EDC. Every Day Carry. 

I did not include my handphone as it is used in taking this picture. The hand sanitizer is also not included as I doubt you would like a picture of a hand sanitizer. Not included is my wallet as it is personal as of nature. Watch is also not included due to the picture being too cramped and it is the most basic Casio watch.  Face mask is included in the picture to add color to an otherwise dull shot 😅

1 comment:

  1. Yup I agree. But as usual u ll face people who disagree as they need the term EDC to show off their expensive tools which they don't really carry everyday.
